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Rest in peace Dempo

Rest in peace Dempo

Media Team7 Feb - 12:27
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Dale Dempsey

It is with great sadness that I can inform the Football community the passing of our long serving clubs member Dale Dempsey after a long illness. Dale joined the club through the Longwell green Abbotonians connection signed by another past club legend Alan Bush as a player. Dale was very instrumental of the amalgamation between Abbots & Oldland FC. He has served the club as a Player, Manager, Committee member and took up the role as our groundsman. He was very well known in the Football world as a very competitive person and will be sadly missed by all his Football friends.

Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Sarah, Josh, Jade and all the family.

Rest in peace Dale from everyone at Oldland Abbotonians FC.

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